Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
Principal - Ms Dany Fitzgerald
Deputy Principal - Mrs Kate Barrat
Deputy Principal - Ms Pam Chevalier
Wellbeing AP - Mrs Lloyd
Assisstant Principal Curriculum Instruction - Mrs Katie Braybon (Mon - Fri) and Mrs Kath Boon (Wednesday &Thursday)
EARLY STAGE ONE - Assistant Principal Miss Hayley Krahe
KO - Ms Chelsea Orr
KG - Miss Gemma Crowson
KL - Ms Annette Livy
KJ - Miss Rosie James
KE - Miss Gian Estrada
KK - Ms Karen Gifford
KH - Ms Hayley Krahe
Stage One Assistant Principals Mrs Kim Moad and Ms Suzin Lee (Relieving)
1S - Mrs Sam Skinner
1C - Miss Claire Gaffney
1G - Miss Gigi Giuffre
1L - Ms Isabella Lam
1M - Mrs Kim Moad
1/2J Mrs Jemima Secombe
2BC - Mrs Alecia Blackadder (Mon - Tues) & Mrs Sarah Cresswell (Wed - Fri)
2F - Mrs Cylhen Truong (Mon - Thurs) & Ms Dilek Babaygit (Fri)
2T - Miss Krystyan Tolentino
2L - Ms Suzin Lee
2M - Mrs Anna Mahalic (Mon - Thurs) & Mrs Blackadder (Fri)
Stage Two - Assistant Principals - Mrs Lisa Lloyd and Mr Kurt Walker (Relieving)
3D - Mr Damien Jin
3G - Ms Bev Gunn
3L - Mrs Fiona Lee
3R - Miss Rachelle Mann
3M - Mrs Holly Morrice
4E - Ms Tania Eshraghi Borojeni
4LS - Mrs Sarah Wright
4H - Mrs Danielle Hain
4J - Miss Jess Hutton
4P - Mrs Georgie Page
4W - Mr Kurt Walker
Stage Three - Assistant Principal Mrs Jackie Treneman & Ms katie Braybon
5C - Mrs Claire Cullen
5H - Miss Camryn Hilditch
5J - Miss Caitlin Joyce
5M - Mr Jack Meredith
5B (OC) - Mrs Jess Owen
5/6R - Ms Dani Rosas
6A - Mrs Vanessa Argent
6L - Mr Noel Levy
6H - Miss Beth Hampton
6S - Miss Emily Sussanna
6KT - Mrs Camila King (Mon - Wed) & Mrs Jackie Treneman (Thurs/Fri)
6M (OC) - Ms Claire McDonald
EAL/D - English as a second Language/Dialect
Ms Claire Hampson
Ms Vivian Schmiedte
Ms Lynda Hart
Miss Virginia Artinian
Ms Joan Ghisla
Mrs Denise Graham
Mrs Samanatha Howarth
Specialist Teachers -
Mrs Emma Borley
Mrs Cheryl Taylor
Mrs Jenny Bell
Ms Suzie Kim
Mrs Kristina Thompson
Mr Andrew Heath (Mon - Thurs)
Mrs Lee-Anne Plasto (Mon & Fri)
Learning Support
Mrs Rhonda Ramsey (Mon - Fri)
Mrs Amelia Holbert
Mrs Kerrith Massey
Mrs Kristen Foster
Ms Zarina Ahmed
Mrs Sharon Guifre
Ms Helen Hua
Miss Georgie Clements
Miss Tahlia Thompson
General Assistants
Mr Tim Greene
Mr Mike Takach
To raise any concerns
For effective resolution of parent concerns, it is important to speak initially to the teacher who has the responsibility and knowledge of the area of concern.
If you have a concern, please follow these steps:
1. First Step: Contact the class teacher. You can make an appointment using the SeeSaw platform or by email.
2. Next Step: If the issue remains unresolved, approach the Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal.
3. Final Step: If the matter is still unresolved, you may approach the Principal.
If your concern or issue involves a school policy or procedure, please approach the teacher coordinating that area first.
If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome at any stage, you must follow the Department of Education's Complaints Handling Policy, which can be obtained from the Principal or on the Department of Education website.